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"Overview of Cross-Border Marketing(3):Market and Brand Strategy I"

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1、市場查询拜访Market research

(1)、宏觀市場查询拜访Macro market research



In extreme cases, political conflicts manifest as wars, like both World Wars posing a huge threat to international trade. Therefore, cross-border e-co妹妹erce businesses must pay attention to the international political environment.

跨境電商企業必需存眷贸易、常识產权等方面的法令律例。别的,跨境電商平台凡是會 制订繁杂的法则,這也是跨境電商企業必需遵照的。比方,在阿里巴巴國際站開设店肆,需 要参考禁限售法则及其他法则,以防止违規违法。

Cross-border e-co妹妹erce companies must pay attention to laws and regulations in areas such as co妹妹erce and intellectual property. In addition, cross-border e-co妹妹erce platforms typically have complex rules that these companies must follow. For example, when setting up a store on Alibaba International, it is necessary to refer to the rules on prohibited and restricted sales, as well as other rules, in order to avoid violations of the law.

二、經濟情况Economic environment

市場营销必需阐發經濟趋向、方针市場的經濟状态、主顾的采辦能力是不是與本身的企業 定位和產物定位相匹配。

Marketing must analyze economic trends, the economic conditions of the target market, and whether customers' purchasing power matches the positioning of their own business and products.

各個國度的收入程度和可分派收入的差别是很大的,收入不单影响采辦力,并且會构成 消费气概,故阐發收入程度对跨境電商企業来讲很是首要。但收入数据常常触及小我隐私, 不克不及直接查询拜访,是以通經常使用人均國民出產总值(GDP)来開端果断某個國度的國民小我財產 环境,可以在網上盘問相干数据。

Income levels and disparities in disposable income vary greatly among different countries, income not only affects purchasing power, but also shapes consumer styles. Therefore, analyzing income levels is very important for cross-border e-co妹妹erce companies. However, income data often involves personal privacy and cannot be directly investigated, so usually per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is used as a preliminary indicator of the personal wealth situation of a country's nationals, relevant data can be searched online.

对國際商業和跨境電商企業来讲,汇率是不容輕忽的影响身分。由于一個國度出產的商 品都是按本國货泉来计较本錢的,要拿到國際市場上買賣時,其商品本錢必定會與汇率相干。 汇率的凹凸直接影响该商品在國際市場上的本錢和代價,直接影响商品的國際竞争力。

For internat祛疣膏, ional trade and cross-border e-co妹妹erce businesses, exchange rates are a crucial factor that cannot be ignored. Since the cost of goods produced in a country is calculated in the local currency, when trading in the international market, the cost of goods will definitely be related to the exchange rate. The level of exchange rate directly affects the cost and price of the goods in the international market, directly impacting the international competitiveness of the goods.

三、社會文化情况Social and cultural environment

生齿變迁包含生齿的增加、 地舆迁徙 教诲程度、家庭類型、種族及信奉等。以我國為例,鼎新開放取患了环球瞩目標成绩,除一系列的政策盈利,生齿盈利所起到的 感化也不容輕忽。

Population changes include population growth, geographical migration, education level, family types, race, and beliefs, etc. Taking China as an example, the reform and opening up have achieved remarkable accomplishments globally. In addition to a series of policy dividends, the role of the demographic dividend should not be underestimated.

四、科技情况Tech scene


After World War II, the US economy grew rapidly, and this is closely tied to its relaxed tech environment. When companies engage in cross-border e-co妹妹erce, they must take into account the local tech environment, as the tech environment is also an important factor restricting the market.

比方,傳音手機在非洲打败诺基亚、三星等大品牌,成為“手機一哥”。這是由于傳音领會非洲的科技状态後進,不少處所连最根基的電力供给都不克不及包管,以是傳音開辟出不必要用線充 電,只用5号電池便可续航的手機。

For example, Transsion phones have beaten big brands like Nokia and Samsung in Africa, becoming the top dog in the phone market. This is because Transsion understands that technology in Africa is lagging behind, with many places unable to even guarantee basic electricity supply. That's why they developed phones that don't need to be charged with a cord, only requiring a number 5 battery to keep running.

五、天然情况Natural environment


The deterioration of the natural environment is a global issue, and green marketing hopes that companies and marketers can come up with solutions that can both maintain economic prosperity and protect the environment.

对付跨境電商来讲,或许其實不必要存眷原料的欠缺、能源本錢的增长,可是鉴于列國否决污染的压力,企業也必要斟酌本身出口的產物是不是合适该國 的环保请求。列國當局对促成情况干净的存眷和尽力是分歧的,相对于来讲,發財國度力度比 较大,而後進國度则相对于管控较弱。

For cross-border e-co妹妹erce, maybe you don't need to worry about shortages of raw materials or increasing energy costs, but considering the pressure from different countries against pollution, businesses also need to think about whether their exported products meet the environmental requirements of that country. Different countries have varying levels of focus and effort on promoting environmental cleanliness, with developed countries generally having stronger measures compared to less developed countries.

(2)、微觀市場查询拜访Micro Market Survey

一、供给商的讨價還價能力Suppliers' bargaining power

供给商是指针对企業举行出產所需而供给特定的原質料、歐冠盃投注,辅助質料、装备、能源、劳務、資金等資本的供货单元。這些資本的變革直接影响企業產物的產量、質量及利润,尽而量 企業营销規劃和营销方针的完成。

A supplier refers 日本酵素,to a supplier unit that provides specific raw materials, auxiliary materials, equipment, energy, labor, capital, and other resources needed for production by enterprises. The changes in these resources directly affect the production volume, quality, and profits of enterprise products, thereby affecting the completion of the company's marketing plan and marketing objectives.

供给商的能力重要在如下几個方面影响营销的结果 :①供给的實時性和不乱性 ②供给货品的代價變革; ③供给的質量包管。

The supplier's ability mainly affects the effectiveness of marketing in the following aspects: 1) The timeliness and stability of supply; 2) Price changes in supplied goods; 3) Quality assurance of supply.

二、采辦者议價能力Purchaser bargaining power


Buyers primarily influence the profitability of existing businesses in t兒童漱口水,he industry by their ability to negotiate prices and demand higher product or service quality. For example, Pinduoduo allows buyers to form groups, increasing their bargaining power.

凡是,如下环境會使得采辦者的议價能力變大 :①采辦者基数大且具备同質化的需求 ②供给多余,可供選擇的供给商多; ③賣方由相对于大量范围的较小的企業构成,如初期的淘宝。

Generally, a buyer's bargaining power increases in the following situations: ① The buyer base is large and has homogenized demand ② There is oversupply and many suppliers to choose from ③ The seller is composed of relatively large numbers of smaller enterprises, such as early Taobao.

三、同業業内現有竞争者的竞争能力Competitive ability of existing competitors in the same industry.


Competing peers often show up in terms of pricing, advertising, product descriptions, after-sales services, etc., and the intensity of competition is influenced by many factors.

一般来讲,呈現如下环境是竞争加重的表示:①竞争介入者范畴遍及, ②市場趋于成熟,產物需求增加迟钝 ③竞争者诡计采纳贬價等手腕促销: ④竞争者供给几近不异的產物或辦事,用户轉换本錢很低 ⑤退出壁垒较高,即退出竞争要比继续介入竞争價格更高。

Generally speaking, increased competition can be seen in the following situations: ① a wide range of competitors participating, ② the market is becoming saturated with slow product demand growth, ③ competitors attempting to promote sales through price reductions, ④ competitors offering almost identical products or services with low user switching costs, ⑤ high exit barriers, meaning that the cost of exiting competition is higher than continuing to participate.

四、潜伏竞争者的進入能力Ability of potential competitors to enter


Potential competitors can bring fresh energy to the industry, but they might also end up competing with existing companies for raw materials and market share, ultimately leading to lower profits for current industry players. In severe cases, it could even threaten the survival of these companies.

潜伏竞争者可否進入取决于: ①資金气力; ②進入新范畴的停滞巨细; ③現有企業的反响环境。

The entry of potential competitors depends on: (1) The financial strength; (2) the size of obstacles to entering new fields; and (3) The response of existing enterprises.

五、替换品替换能力Substitutability of alternatives

两個處于分歧行業中的企業,可能會因為所出產的產物是互為替换品,從而在它們之間 發生互相竞争举動,這類源自于替换品的竞争會以各類情势影响行業中現有企業的竞争计谋。

Competitive behavior between two firms in different industries may arise because the products they produce are substitutes for each other, and this competition from substitutes may affect the competitive strategies of incumbent firms in the industry in various ways.






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